Pu Chao Temple

Buddhist Association of New York

Sunday Services

Services are held every Sunday afternoon to worship Buddha. Lectures on the study of Surangama Sutra. All visitors are welcome.

About Pu Chao Temple

Pu Chao Temple was founded by the Dharma Master Shi Xiu Jue in 1989 at New York Chinatown. Dharma Master Zhi Rong is the current abbot who also heads the BAONY.

諸惡莫作 眾善奉行 自淨其意 是諸佛教

No Longer Do Evil; Do What Is Good And Keep Your Mind In Peace!


支票抬头 Buddhist Association of NY.

Zelle: nunyensutra@gmail.com


护持 国际楞严学会

支票抬头 International Society of NunYenSutra

Zelle: 784603216@qq.com