Succession Ceremony: Dharma Master Zhi Rong as abbot of Pu Chao Temple and President of BAONY

昨日(星岛日报2021-09-19 )紐約佛教會佛光普照,聖賢歡喜。諸山長老及社會各界仁者雲集紐約佛教會普照寺,共同參加紐約佛教會會長傳承交接盛典。以下是紐約佛教會創辦人上修下覺長老在大會中的發言:


「我是釋修覺,紐約佛教會普照寺的創辦人, 紐約佛教會會長。在美歷經38年的艱苦奮鬥,創辦了今天的普照寺,如今我年齡大了,普照寺需要新生力量,智容法師是我的傳承人,也是普照寺的監院,這些年在她的帶領下,寺院進行了重新裝修和布置,弘揚 楞嚴,講經說法,加強對外交流,積極參與公益慈善事業。智容法師,道心純正,學有師乘,佛法造詣深厚,具有強烈的佛教責任感,恪守淨戒,時刻嚴格要求自己,續佛慧命,令佛種不斷,勇於擔當,克服重重困難弘法利生。經會員大會及董事會一致推荐並通過,今天正式把 紐約佛教會會長的位置傳給她。此次交接是佛教界的一件大喜事,也是 紐約佛教會的又一盛舉,祝願紐約佛教會普照寺在新會長智容法師的帶領下,董事會的護持下,以此殊榮為契機,蒸蒸日上,法輪常轉,法運昌隆,為社會和諧,大眾幸福,發揮更大的作用。」




出席 紐約普照寺會長交接典禮的多位佛教代表及該會理事會成員

Yesterday (Sing Tao Daily, September 19, 2021), the Buddhist Association Of New York was illuminated with the Buddha’s light, bringing joy to the sages. Elders and venerable monks from various temples, along with benevolent individuals from all walks of society, gathered at the New York Buddhist Association’s Pu Chao Temple to jointly participate in the presidential succession ceremony of the New York Buddhist Association.

Here is the translation of the speech from the founder of the Buddhist Association Of New York, Venerable Master Xiu Jue, delivered during the presidential succession ceremony:

“Respected elders, venerable monks, and distinguished guests, good afternoon:

I am Shi Xiu Jue, the founder and president of the Buddhist Association Of New York and the Pu Chao Temple. After 38 years of arduous struggle in America, I founded the Pu Chao Temple that stands today. Now, as I am getting older, the temple needs new energy. Dharma Master Zhi Rong is my successor and the current abbot of Pu Chao Temple. Under her leadership, the temple has undergone renovation and reorganization, promoted the Surangama Sutra, preached the Dharma, enhanced external exchanges, and actively participated in public welfare and charity. Dharma Master Zhi Rong has a pure and upright spiritual dedication, has learned from esteemed teachers, possesses profound Buddhist knowledge, and has a strong sense of Buddhist responsibility. She strictly observes the pure precepts, constantly holds herself to high standards, continues the wisdom of the Buddha, ensures the propagation of the Dharma, and bravely undertakes the mission of spreading the Dharma and benefiting living beings despite numerous challenges. With the unanimous recommendation and approval of the general assembly and the board of directors, today I officially pass the presidency of the New York Buddhist Association to her. This succession is a joyous event for the Buddhist community and another grand occasion for the Buddhist Association Of New York. I wish that under the leadership of the new president, Dharma Master Zhi Rong, and with the support of the board of directors, the Pu Chao Temple will seize this honor as an opportunity to thrive, with the Dharma wheel continuously turning and the prosperity of the Dharma flourishing, playing a greater role in social harmony and the happiness of the people.”

The Seal of Pu Chao Temple was passed to Dharma Master Zhi Rong.